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Used clothing makeover


This outfit was made out of the model's unwanted clothing.

Bring your used clothes, and we'll do something fun together.


Find garments that you won't need anymore in your wardrobe, come to the studio, we'll take them a part and build them up again.


In each project, we'll look into an era, and we'll pay an homage to them. It's because I love fashion history, and I want this Open Project to be educational, besides the "sustainability" part. I'm having Club Kids, Glam Rock, Jazz Age... in mind, what do you think?


This project is the kick-off for a long-term Open Design project. First, let me give you the definition of “Open Design”. Open Design is a project that the final user will get involved in the process of designing. In other words, you guys would be joining me from the very first steps of a creative process till the finished clothings, then we’ll party together.


In this process, you guys can be your own art director, designer, even maker. My role would be a facilitator, a observer, a helper who assist you along the way with the techniques for example sewing, draping… So if you like fashion, and I’m sure you do, join us!


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